Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Post doc :

............... ...................................... Dr. Intakhab Alam Khan Short CV Dr Intakhab Alam Khan, an internationally acclaimed educational researcher, educationist, trainer and author is associate professor (Education/Pedagogy) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia. He has served faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (a central university) New Delhi, India and Jazan university, KSA. He has almost 27 years of experience in teaching, training, research and publications at various universities. An author of a 16 academic, reference and research books, funded projects/books and around 70 papers in different international online and print journals, Dr Khan has taught foundations of education, educational planning and administration, teaching methodology papers, applied linguistics, medical, health, business and professional English in India and Saudi Arabia. He has developed curriculum/syllabus of Educational management, communication skills, leadership techniques, Specific English for Fine Arts, Pharmacy, medical receptionists, nurses, laboratory technicians, medical doctors (non-English speaking) and so on. Dr Khan has also developed a video recorded online course for teaching of special need learners, currently taught at the online international Islamic university, Gambia. Dr Khan’s presentations at international conferences at Brighton (UK), Hong Kong (China), North Cyprus (Turkey), Brussels (Belgium), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Delhi (India) have already been published in refereed/ISSN/Scopus indexed proceedings. He has also attended a two week intensive ‘train the trainer’ programme at Greenwich community college, London, UK. Dr Khan is honorary chief editor/associate editor/asst. editor of more than 25 online educational journals published worldwide. Research Topic: ,,Utilizing Experiences of Learning Strategies During COVID-19: Evolution of Post pandemic English Curriculum“ Research Advisor: Dr. Nirmaljit K. Rathee, Delaware State University, USA. Dr. Enrique GarcĂ­a Artero, University of Almeria, Spain Dr. Rosario Lisciandro, University of Almeria, Spain Host University: University of Almeria COPYRIGHT © ESI 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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